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Precautions for the use of presses


Improper press operation or die setting is the leading cause of press damage and downtime. Proper training of press operators as well as die setters can ensure they follow the correct process. This will quickly reduce downtime.


Add lubricating oil to the brake shaft of each point of the manipulator before each shift operation, add an appropriate amount of No. 20-30 mechanical oil with an oil gun before each shift, and inject lubricating oil with an oil gun once a day before the clutch part. . The machine is cleaned before each shift stops.


Check fasteners and make up for missing external parts. Check clutch and springs, belts. Check the lubricating devices of the machine tool. Check whether the electrical circuit is damaged or aged, and whether the motor and electromagnet are normal. Check crankshaft guide rail accuracy and wear. Check brakes, clutches, sliders, shut-off blocks, shut-off rings. Check the electrical control section. Inspection and adjustment of connecting bolts of fuselage workbench.


According to different machine types and processing requirements of the press, formulate targeted and feasible safety operation procedures, and carry out necessary job training and safety education. The user and operator must strictly abide by the regulations and operating procedures of the safety instructions provided by the design and manufacture unit, and use and repair it correctly. The general safety operation requirements of the press are as follows:


Before starting the equipment, check whether the operating part, clutch and brake of the press are in an effective state, whether the safety protection device is complete and easy to use, and whether there is any abnormality in each part of the crank-slider mechanism. If an abnormality is found, necessary measures should be taken immediately, and no operation with illness is allowed, and it is strictly forbidden to disassemble and damage the safety device. Before the official operation, the idling test must be carried out to confirm that each part is normal before it can work. Before starting the machine, all unnecessary items on the workbench should be cleaned to prevent the sudden start of the slider caused by the vibration of the car and the injury of people or the impact of the switch. Tools must be used for operation. It is strictly forbidden to directly reach into the die mouth to take objects, and hand tools must not be placed on the die.


When adjusting the position of the workpiece in the die area or removing the workpiece stuck in the die, the foot must leave the foot pedal. Multiple people operating the same press should have a unified command, and the signal should be clear. If the power is suddenly cut off or the operation is completed, the power should be turned off, and the manipulator should be restored to the clutch neutral position, and the brake should be in the braking state. When overhauling and adjusting the press and installing, adjusting and dismantling the mold, it should be carried out when the machine tool is disconnected from energy (such as electricity, gas, liquid) and the machine tool is stopped, and a pad should be placed under the slider to be reliable. support. There is a warning notice at the start switch of the machine tool.

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