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Punch use process maintenance and maintenance


Before work:


(1) Check the lubrication of each part, and make each lubrication point fully lubricated


(2) Check whether the mold installation is correct and reliable;


(3) Check whether the compressed air pressure is within the specified range


(4) Check whether each switch button is sensitive and reliable. Be sure to disengage the flywheel and clutch before turning on the motor;


(5) Make the press carry out several idle strokes, and check the working conditions of the brake, clutch and control part


(6) Check whether the main motor has abnormal heat, abnormal vibration, abnormal sound, etc.


(7) Use a manual oil pump to add lithium ester oil to the slider


(8) Check and adjust the feeder roller clearance to the process requirements


(9) Check and maintain the oil quantity of the lubricator to meet the specified requirements


(10) When the motor starts, check whether the rotation direction of the flywheel is the same as the rotation mark.


At work:


(1) The manual lubricating oil pump should be used to send lubricating oil to the lubricating point regularly


(2) When the performance of the press is not familiar, do not adjust the press without authorization


(3) It is forbidden to punch two layers of sheets at the same time


(4) If it is found that the work is not normal, it should stop working immediately and check it in time.


Pay attention during work, and it is strictly forbidden to put hands, tools and other objects into the danger zone (see item 4 of the safety production regulations). If the press is found to be running abnormally or there is abnormal sound, (such as batter sound, popping sound), the feeding should be stopped. , check the reason. If the rotating parts are loose, the operating device fails, (see the introduction), the hands or feet must leave the buttons or pedals to prevent misoperation when each workpiece is flushed. Before starting work, check whether the punch guards are complete, whether the flywheel runs smoothly; whether the upper and both sides of the pedal device are protected, and whether the operation is reliable and flexible; and remove the objects that hinder the operation in the workplace.


After work:


(1) Disengage the flywheel and clutch, cut off the power supply, and release the remaining air


(2) Wipe the press clean, and coat the work surface with anti-rust oil


(3) Make records after each operation or maintenance.


Press for blanking, forming should comply with the following regulations. When operating with more than two people, you should appoint someone to drive, and pay attention to coordination. Before leaving get off work, the mold should be dropped, the power supply should be disconnected, and necessary cleaning should be carried out. The transmission parts exposed to the outside of the press must be equipped with protective covers, and it is forbidden to drive or test the car with the protective covers removed. If necessary, the empty vehicle can be tested. When installing the mold, the slider must be opened to the bottom dead center, the closing height must be correct, and eccentric load must be avoided as much as possible; the mold must be fastened firmly and checked by pressure test.


The punching force must be approved, and overload operation is strictly prohibited. When installing or removing the mold, the power must be cut off first. The mold installation must be firm and reliable. When adjusting the height of use, use manual or moving methods, and do it step by step. Before confirming the adjustment, it is forbidden to connect cars. When operating, it is necessary to concentrate on thinking, and it is strictly forbidden to talk and do it. It is necessary to cooperate with each other to ensure safe operation. It is generally forbidden for more than two people to operate the punch at the same time. If necessary, a special person must be instructed and responsible for the operation of the pedal device. It is strictly forbidden to carry out any part of the body during work, and special tools should be provided for feeding and unloading of the mold range.


The interlayer feeding stamping is prohibited, and the second feeding can only be carried out after the first punching part or the remaining material must be removed. The installation of the mold must be checked regularly, and if it is loose or slipped, it should be adjusted in time. Before the knife edge is worn to the point where the burr exceeds the standard, the knife edge should be sharpened in time. When disassembling the mold, it must be done in the closed state. Take care of stamping equipment, dies, tools, gauges and instruments. After the work is completed, the mold and punch should be wiped clean and ready to be sorted. In the formal punching process, since the static difference rate of the main motor varies with different loads, the electromagnetic counter set on the control board can be used to correct the rotational speed when punching different parts.

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